Sunday, June 25, 2006


Gek's final year sculpture exhibition went off extremely well. The 7 forms which represented the stages of Gek's life from ending her education at university through the present day and to a perceived but uncertain future, were well received, as the visitors book records!!! Just a couple of photographs from the exhibit.

This is the first form, representing the end of education and socialisation, very ordered and symmetrical,

followed by a walk though to the future, which is glimpsed in the distance. Mid-life crisis is on the left. A very sad, fallen form!

And here IS the future!! Much more flowing and free form, with an acceptance that change and uncertainty are acceptable and desirable.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Getting Closer

Arrangements for Gek and I to go together to Mongolia are progressing really well. There is a possibility that VSO might able to offer Gek a placement in UB, assuming that she passes the assessment day. With Gek's final sculpture exhibition less that a week away, and the possibility of a placement in Mongolia, these are frantic and exciting times. So much to do, so much to think about. And so much has changed and been gained in only 4 weeks. It just does not seem possible.