This may appear to be carrying a fascination too far, but I have started on a 'Build a
Baba Doll House' project. So that there is no confusion, this is not a house for my dolls!!! I do not have any, honest. It is a Doll House in the sense of a small model house. 1/12
th scale actually. Having done preliminary research on the real buildings, I have worked up a set of drawings from which a local wood working shop created a load of plywood parts. Just have to put them together now. Vist to see further developments.
Now of course I will become an obsessive miniature hunter. Anything near enough 1/12
th scale that is appropriate to the houses period, late 1920', early 1930's. Made a good start on Bolton's Sunday Flea Market. Nailed two miniature water colours for 25 pence each. Bargain!!!