Monday, July 30, 2012

Book - Brave New War

Basically, interstate war is finished.  Countries depend too much on each other economically to go kicking seven bells out of one another.  That's the Good news.  Bad news is that we are moving to open sourced warfare.  You have a personal grouse,  then pay someone to go fight for you.  Internet is great at facilitating this.  Go attack a vulnerable network, oil pipe line, railway line etc.

Also, and rather scarily, Mr. Robb predicted the HSBC scandal from last week where the bank has been accused of laundering dodgy money.  He wrote this book, in a bit of a breathless way, in 2006.  He makes the point that the banks, which are operated for profit and not their customers, would not be able to resist the huge profits to be made from criminal activities.

End of globalisation?  Case not made.  In fact the reverse.

Irony.  The WW2 blitzkrieg was a German perfection of a British strategists idea. Go figure.

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