Sunday, July 26, 2015

Bear Alert

Bears mark their territory by scratching at trees, the higher they scratch the stronger the signal they sent to other bears.......and us humans.  Gek is 5 foot nothing.  Whilst this is an old marking, the bear that made the marks must have been at least 8 feet at full stretch.

There had been a bear sighting in these woods the day before our visit, as recorded in the park's lodge visitors book.

 Mary-Ann on the alert, hoping to see a bear but a deer would have to do.


  1. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Just in case you didn't get it, I'll repeat myself
    Stockport is now quite up to this standard. But the absence of bears makes it much safer.

  2. Anonymous12:35 PM

    OK ... for the third time: Stockport has not quite so much to offer except they've managed to catch all the bears and put them safe in a zoo.

  3. Richard, what is it with you and bears? Is there even a zoo in Stock....where was that again?
