Sunday, October 01, 2006

Nyam Adiyabazar – Prize winner artist 2006

This painting, Imperial Heroes, won Adiyabazar first prize at the Great Mongolian Art Exhibition held earlier this year.

A Monglish conversation!!! “Modern” art is popular in Mongolia but the majority of local art work you see is along traditional lines. From a local papers review: “In looking for and expressing his identity as an artist , is Adiyabazar going against the grain of the nation’s collective unconsciousness? ……..I hope he is, for that is what a creator’s instincts are all about.”
The prize painting was on shown at an exhibition entitled “Me Today” along with 59 other works by Adiyabazar
Another example of Adiyabazar work. Unfortunately without the correct title.

And again, sorry, no title. Checkout the web site……………A Really good exhibition in an excellent space.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Wonderful paitings - I saw some of his work in Taipei the other week. You don't give a link to the website, though.

